Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I have been a total slacker the last little while. I'm so bad lately at posting things constantly. Instead I do a total marathon of posts, and then it's not as fun. :) Anyway- Thought I'd kind of get caught up tonight. Here's a bunch of randomness from the last two weeks:
Allison is getting so big. We keep looking at her every few days and telling each other how much bigger she looks! She's changing so much- personality, and looks. When she was born, she looked so much like me it was crazy! (especially my baby pictures!) But now... I think she totally looks like Jeff! (...Traitor...) :) She's "talking" up a storm (just squealing), and has now officially found her toes. She's also ALMOST rolling over. She gets so close! Just can't quite get all the way yet. :) She's sure a cute one! :)
Allison in her "Three month" Picture (with the same bunny as the last two months) and "Nakey"...

Big grins:

She's laughing out loud a lot now- So cute! :)

Dallin is changing a lot too. His imagination is taking off and he thinks of the funniest things and scenarios now. Our cute little neighbor, Brittney, is 13. She came over the other day and played with Dallin for a while. She asked him where something was and he replied, "It's downstairs Babe..." He's already going for the older women! :) He also served me up some "Jo" yesterday. haha. He told me to drink my cup full of "Jo" 'cause it was yummy! I told him that I like juice a lot better. :) Daddy and Dallin built this castle the other day out of Legos:

He was very particular on where everyone's rooms were!
He's also a great big brother and loves to hold Allison's hand.

We took this movie the other day while driving to "Kaninab" (Kanab):

These are just a few Dallinisms:
(I couldn't think of a lot when I was recording, I'll have to get more later)
and- I promise he's not eating boogers... :)

And total Random- Here's my cutie-pa-tootie sister at 37 weeks. :)

1 comment:

The Jackson's said...

I love Dallins toy in the video on your way to Kanab!! Looks like a fun camping adventure!