Sunday, March 30, 2008

I totally know you!

So... Last weekend, when Jeff and I were on our date in St. George, we went and got some shakes at Charlies... like I mentioned. A few minutes before we left, in walks a brunette girl, a little taller than myself. It seems like I recognize her, but can't quite put my finger on it... Then all of a sudden- I get the thought "I totally know her!". I realized that every so often, I have fallen upon this random girl's blog page... and read her entire life story (or what she has blogged)! This random brunette girl has no idea that her blog stalker is sitting in the booth right next to her! I thought it was so cool and I told Jeff right away, although- I think he was enjoying the last of his shake too much to really realize how crazy this moment was.
So- Tonight, I'm sitting here- late at night... doing my usual blog stalking and am thinking how this moment probably wasn't that cool at all. In all reality- it's actually kind of creepy. Who stalks me? Who knows all about my recent moments with my son, that it was my husband's birthday, and that Lightning McQueen is an everyday word at our home? There are so many people I'm sure who read my blog and don't leave a comment (Morgan...) so I have no idea they were even here! A girl in church today came up to me and told me that they read my blog and was sorry about Dallin... (Hi Hoyts!) How Merna found my blog- I have no idea- but she did! And I'm sure many others have...
Ok... Well- I still do think that the moment at Charlies was cool. I could have freaked her out pretty bad- haha... I guess I better start leaving more comments to let people know that I know about their lives... and to those of you who venture here... Please say hello! Give me a shout out like JoJo in Whoville... "We are here! We are here!"
Anywho- back to Stalking...


Julianna said...

How funny. I was just thinking about posting on my blog...."stalkers out yourselves!" I read your blog. I have commented before. I served in OKC with Jeff, we were in the MTC together. :)

Jenna Marie said...

Hey Julianna... Thanks for leaving me a note! Jeff and I would love to check out your blog as well, but it's blocked from us... Hopefully you see this and maybe you can open it for us to see! :) Thanks again!

Nicole said...

Haha that is so funny! But it is true! Do you have sitemeter? You should get it if you don't.

Jessica said...

That is totally funny! You so could have freaked her out! I know what you mean about blog stalking! Here's one I like to stalk: She used to be in the YW's in her ward, but recently moved. But, she would post all of her cute ideas on her site! I still go there, just because she still has such cute ideas! You might like it, too! ;^)

Mal and Kade said...

HI Jenna! I can't remember if I have left a comment recently or not. So here I am! Haha. Your family is so cute I love to look at your page!

April and Jeff said...

Hi I just found your page through Val's page. haha. Isn't it funny how much fun it is to read blogs that you will totally read all about someone you have never met? I do it all the time!

Ashlee said...

Jenna you crack me up. I love reading about your family, your blog is so cute. Sorry to read about your precious little one though, that is so scary! Good to hear everything ended up ok. :)

Julianna said...

Jenna - I opened mine up so you could read it!

Errin said...

I must be a blogger stalker.... ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey Jenna

I would love to take your little boys pictures-I just don't know when the best time will be.

My in-laws 60th birthday is this weekend so I actually will be in town but I don't know if there will be time. I'll for sure let you know if I find some time though.


Your boy is darling! I hope that he is o.k. from his accident. Hugs.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jenna - it's Morgan. I know it says I'm anonymous, but I guess that's how we true blog stalkers roll - either leaving no comment, or leaving it anonymous when we do. I felt bad for commenting on Laura's page before I commented on yours, so this is a shout out to tell you that I think your blog is fantastic.