T he gospel. I am so blessed to have the knowledge I have. All of my Happiness and my blessings are from the gospel.
H usband. I don't know what I'd do without you honey. You're perfect for me. Thank you for just being such a wonderful, trustworthy, hardworking, spiritual man. I love you.
A 2 year old. I can't imagine my life without my little Dallin. He's so sweet, and even though he's only two, he teaches me more than anyone else. His hugs and kisses are some of my favorite moments.
N ighttime kicks. It never fails... My little girl always kicks me around 11. I love knowing that she's inside me and I can't wait to see her, hold her, smell her, and be her mommy.
K neeling in prayer. I sometimes wonder what life would be like without knowing there was a loving father lisiting to me... I'm thankful for the simple act of prayer, and that I know somebody is listening.
S ound. There's such an abundance of music in my life, and I'm so greatful to have that gift of hearing what's around me. It truely is a gift.
G randparents. I think I'm a little spoiled in this area... I have 10 grandparents still alive. 2 being Great-grandparents. Dallin has 16. I love all of them so much and am so blessed to have all of them!! They are all so good to me.
I nventions. I would never have lasted as a Pioneer. I love this time that we live and the things that are on the earth today. Refrigerators, computers, electricity, blogging... :)
V ivacious parents. My mom and step-dad (Karen and Darrell) are so wonderful. My mom has always been there and has always been the BEST mother, and Darrell stepped right up to the plate when they got married. They are both great together and wonderful to us. My Dad also has many traits that I admire. He's very talented and smart, and is involved in so many diverse things.
I nexpensive gas. Yes... the enonomy isn't the greatest right now... but look on the bright side- the gas prices are awesome!
N ummy food. Heavenly Father definitely knew what he was doing when he made us need food. :) There are so many wonderful tasting things out there! And it brings so many people together for different occasions.
G reat life. I love where I live. I'm thankful I have a roof over my head. I love my family- my own little family and both extended families. I'm thankful that we have lots of love around us. I love my job and my husband's job. I'm thankful that we have a job right now with everything going on around the world. I love that my husband loves me and that we're home together everynight. I'm thankful for the power of sealings. I love my great little life.
I'm so Thankful for everything I have...